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Submitting a Plan


Federal law requires that your Schoolwide Plan be developed in consultation with stakeholders. The recommended list of members for a Title I schoolwide planning team include teachers, school leaders, paraprofessionals, parents (independent of the school/district), non-instructional staff, parents, students (for middle and high school), district leaders, and community partners.








Why a Schoolwide Planning Team?


The school, family, and community members who comprise your planning team are all stakeholders whose participation and buy-in is essential to your program's success.  It’s helpful to think of the approval process as an opportunity to build the supportive, engaged partnerships you will need to implement your program effectively.  Creating a foundation of understanding, support, and buy-in from your planning team ensures that your plan is not just a document sitting on a shelf, but your roadmap to a transformed school culture.

Student Engagement and Parent Involvement: Why the Arts Are Effective and Why It's Important


In this film, parents and school leaders talk about how arts strategies engage students and involve parents in powerful ways that support both academic goals and a positive school environment.

For more detailed information on the development of a school site council or schoolwide planning team, please click the links to the documents below:

Federal Guidelines for a Title I Schoolwide Planning Team

ESSA in New Jersey - Home Page

ESSA Resources

ESSA Guide for School Districts

ESSA Planning Template for School Districts

NJ Title I Schoolwide Programs - Home Page

NJ Title I Quick Start Guide to Schoolwide Programs

NJ Title I Schoolwide Program User's Manual

Click here for more Title I technical assistance and resources.

(c) 2019 | ArtsEd NJ | 16 Mount Bethel Road, Suite 202, Warren, NJ 07059 | t. 908-542-9396 |

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