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Resource Room


Looking for more?  There are great resources for support at your fingertips.  The organizations and websites listed below represent a collective wealth of information about the impact of arts strategies in education collected over the last several decades at the local, state, and national level.  Whether you are looking for information on a particular program, art form, curriculum, or policy, these links have something to offer.


Kennedy Center ArtsEdge

The Kennedy Center's free digital platform for arts education, ArtsEdge hosts a wealth of easily searchable information from lesson plans to guides to articles to video.


Arts Education Partnership

A national coalition of education, arts, business, cultural and government organizations dedicated to securing a high-quality arts education for every young person in America.  They hold national conferences, produce reports, and host a state arts education policy clearinghouse as well as the nation's first arts education research and policy database.


National Endowment for the Arts

The independent federal agency that supports and funds the arts in multiple capacities, including arts education and arts participation.  Their arts education page has links to a wealth of great information, including information about how to apply for grants and current grantees.


National Association for Music Education (NAfME)

NAfME is the national association for music education and music educators.  On their website you’ll find resources about standards, professional development, lesson plans, and advocacy.


Educational Theatre Association (EdTA)

EdTA is the national association for theatre education and theatre educators.  Their website provides information and opportunities for students and teachers related to professional development, networking, standards, curriculum, and advocacy.


National Art Education Association (NAEA)

NAEA is the national association for visual arts education and educators.  Their website provides information everything from research and policy related to visual arts education to lessons plans and professional development.


National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)

NDEO is the national organization for dance education and dance educators.  Their website provides information and resources about dance education from K-12 through colleges, universities, and performing arts organizations.


Arts Integration User Guide for New Jersey Educators and Practitioners

New Jersey has developed an Arts Integration User Guide to provide a practical step by step approach to achieve successful implementation of arts education.


New Jersey's Arts Integration Think and Do Workbook: A Practical Guide to Think About and Implement Arts Integration

A resource created by practitioners to provide tools and strategies to support the development of a robust arts integration practice.  




ArtsEdSearch, a project of the Arts Education Partnership, is the nation's first research and policy database dedicated to arts education.  It contains over 200 vetted studies and is designed to focus on student and educator outcomes and the implications for policy.


Review of Evidence: Arts Integration Research Through the Lens of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

A report that reviews research on activities that use arts to improve student achievement.




Arts Ed NJ

Arts Ed NJ provides accurate and up-to-date information about arts education in New Jersey, from data to advocacy strategies. Arts Ed NJ was established in 2007 to provide a unified voice for a diverse group of constituents who agree on the educational benefits and impact of the arts, specifically the contribution they make to student achievement and a civilized, sustainable society.


Arts Ed Now

Arts Ed Now is New Jersey’s statewide arts education advocacy campaign. The site features campaign tools designed to help teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other ambassadors communicate the value of arts education. 



ArtPride New Jersey advances, promotes and advocates for the arts as essential to the quality of life of every citizen and to the economic vitality in New Jersey.


Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network

The Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network (KCAAEN) is a coalition of statewide alliances for arts education.  Their website has a number of tools and resources for arts education advocacy, including an advocacy toolkit, a community audit resource, and a self-assessment.


Americans for the Arts

Americans for the Arts is the nation's largest arts advocacy organization.  Their Arts Education Network provides resources and professional development for arts education professionals, and on their arts education program website you can also find links to webinars and the Arts Education Navigator, a series of e-books.



 is grateful to the following for the photos across the website:


Home page - Header photo courtesy of Young Audiences of New Jersey

Making It Happen page - Header photo courtesy of Young Audiences of New Jersey

Starting With Data page - Header photo by Frank Veronsky

Assessing Needs page - Header photo courtesy of Young Audiences of New Jersey

Identifying a Strategy page - Header photo courtesy of Young Audiences of New Jersey

Developing a Plan page - Header photo courtesy of Young Audiences of New Jersey

Submitting a Plan page - Header photo courtesy of Young Audiences of New Jersey

Implementing a Program page - Header photo by Frank Veronsky

Evaluating Impact page - Header photo courtesy of Young Audiences of New Jersey

What It Looks Like page - Header photo courtesy of New Jersey Title I Arts Integration Pilot Program

Resource Room page - Header photo courtesy of Young Audiences of New Jersey










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