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NJ Title 1_DevelopingAPlan

Developing a Plan


Now that you’ve gathered your data, targeted your needs, and selected a research-based strategy, you need to write a plan for approval by your schoolwide planning team.  Federal law requires a written schoolwide plan that divides your strategies into actionable goals.  The Title I Schoolwide Plan documents the interventions and strategies schools will implement to upgrade their educational program.



Writing your plan will give you an opportunity to review your arts-based strategy and see how it aligns with other strategies for student success at your school.  It's good to make sure that all your student support strategies build up to a coherent whole.  


The Title I guide for developing a schoolwide program suggests guidelines for developing strategies and program goals here.



If your plan for an arts-based program targets school needs derived from data analysis and your needs assessment, and is based on a proven research-based strategy, then you need to be compliant with federal and state law.  It's worth making sure that all your i's are dotted and your t's crossed before you submit your plan -- have your team review it together one final time before submission.




















The California Alliance for Arts Education has developed sample school plans that demonstrate how to write research-based arts strategies into your schoolwide plan in compliance with state and federal regulations.  These can be downloaded and adapted to your own school needs and planning templates.

The Story of the San Diego Unified School District Learning Through the Arts Project


In 2014, San Diego Unified School District committed $3 million in Title I funds to student success through arts integrated initiatives.  Here is the story of how it came together.

Click on the image below to download a PDF file with all 5 schoolwide plan examples.

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