School Climate and Culture - Middle School
Below is the research linking arts strategies to school climate and culture at the middle school level. Click on any of the study citations to link to a full summary of the study in ArtsEdSearch, the online database of arts education research.
School Climate and Culture
Schools that bring the arts centrally into their curriculum benefit from improved school climate and a stronger connection to their surrounding community (Burton, Horowitz & Abeles, 2000; Corbett, et al., 2001; Nelson, 2001).
In arts rich schools, discipline referrals decrease and students demonstrate more positive attitudes toward school (Burton, Horowitz & Abeles, 2000; Corbett, et al., 2001).
Students who participate in arts programming demonstrate fewer behavioral problems and decreased participation in risky, delinquent and/or violent behavior compared with other peers (Wright et al., 2006; Respress & Lufti, 2006).
Participation in drama programming is associated with increased conflict resolution skills and ability to work effectively in groups (Catterall, 2007).
Students involved in arts integrated programming develop the habits of active, independent citizens; demonstrate greater awareness and understanding of their communities, and see themselves as agents of change (Krensky, 2001; Stevenson & Deasy, 2005).